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The Asia Institute hosts panel at AAC&U Diversity, Equity, and and Student Success Conference

The Asia Institute is proud to support and participate in the Association of American Colleges and Universities’ (AAC&U) annual conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success, to be held virtually from March 24-26, 2021. Featuring three days of workshops, keynotes and plenary sessions, the conference will examine the perceptions and the realities of equity, diversity, and what it means to educate for democracy in a constantly changing educational and societal landscape.

The Asia Institute Chairman/CEO Bradley A. Feuling will moderate a panel titled “Connecting with Underrepresented Students During Covid-19: Three Models for Engagement, Professional Development and Global Learning”. This panel will present ideas, concepts and new working models for professional development and student success, with an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Panelists include Dr. Devin Walker, Instructor at The Univerisity of Texas at Austin’s Longhorn Center for Academic Equity and Vanessa Morgan, Coordinator for Multicultural Advising and African American Student Success at Ohio University.

To learn more about the conference, including the schedule and registration information, click here.