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2021 Study Abroad Decision Survey Results Are Now Available!

The Global Learning Collective recently conducted a survey to assess how likely in-person study abroad programs are to run in 2021 and by when education abroad offices will be deciding for summer, fall and winter-J-Term.

The results indicate that over 66% of the 100+ institutions that responded to the survey are currently undecided about offering Summer 2021 in-person study abroad programs. Among this group, a majority of institutions will make a decision whether to continue or cancel Summer 2021 by February (31%) or March (41%).

When asked about Fall 2021 programming, 54% of respondents are undecided, whereas 5% have already canceled Fall in-person study abroad programs and 41% plan to operate as normal. Regarding J-Term/Spring 2022 in-person programming, 50% of institutions are undecided and 47% will operate as normal.

The results of the survey are listed below:

1. What is your institution’s current position on operating Summer 2021 study abroad programs?

      • 66% – We are currently undecided on our Summer 2021 study abroad programs
      • 18% – We have already canceled our Summer 2021 study abroad programs
      • 16% We will operate our Summer 2021 study abroad programs as normal

2. If your institution has determined a date to make a decision to continue or cancel Summer 2021 study abroad programs, what is the cutoff date?

      • January – 21%
      • February- 31%
      • March – 41%
      • April – 7%

3. What is your institution’s current position on operating Fall 2021 study abroad programs? 

      • 54% – We are currently undecided on our Fall 2021 study abroad programs
      • 5% – We have already canceled our Fall 2021 study abroad programs
      • 41% We will operate our Fall 2021 study abroad programs as normal

4. If your institution has determined a date to make a decision to continue or cancel Fall 2021 study abroad programs, what is the cutoff date?

      • March – 18%
      • April- 2%
      • May – 8%
      • June – 14%
      • July – 12%
      • Not sure  – 46%

5. What is your institution’s current position on operating J-Term/Spring 2022 study abroad programs? 

      • 50% – We are currently undecided on our J-Term/Spring 2022 study abroad programs
      • 3% – We have already canceled our J-Term/Spring 2022 study abroad programs
      • 47% We will operate our J-Term/Spring 2022 study abroad programs as normal

6. If your institution has determined a date to make a decision to continue or cancel J-Term/Spring 2022 study abroad programs, what is the cutoff date?

      • August – 4%
      • September- 10%
      • October – 8%
      • Not Sure – 78%