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The Asia Institute and International Educators of Illinois (IEI) Announce New Joint-Scholarship Program

The Asia Institute and International Educators of Illinois (IEI), a state-level membership-based organization that promotes and supports the professional development of individuals in the field of international education, have announced a new joint-scholarship program to award funding to students seeking to participate in global learning experiences in Asia.

“We are proud to partner with International Educators of Illinois to increase accessibility of study in Asia to students from across the State of Illinois, regardless of their academic study area or the campus they attend,” said Bradley A. Feuling, Chairman and CEO of The Asia Institute. “The Asia Institute’s joint-scholarship programs have awarded over $40,000 to students around the United States, whereby students are able to fulfill their study abroad dreams, and now access Asia both in-person or through virtual study experiences.”

“It’s an exciting opportunity for IEI to partner with The Asia Institute on this scholarship,” said Sara McGuinn, Chair of International Educators of Illinois. “The past year and a half have been difficult for international education as a field, so we are thrilled to encourage and support study abroad for students in Illinois in any way we can.”

Designed to increase the global awareness and competencies of students studying at universities and colleges in the State of Illinois, The Asia Institute-IEI Scholarship will award $2,000 in scholarship funding to students seeking to participate in global learning programs in 2022. Global learning experiences can be a short-term faculty-led program, semester or full-year study abroad program, international internship/research or a virtual learning program. All fields of study are encouraged to apply, and the program does not have to be hosted by The Asia Institute. The application deadline is March 15, 2022. For more information on eligibility and to apply, click here.