Scholarships Archives - The Asia Institute The Asia Institute was founded in 2006 by connecting the four key sectors of society (private, public, not-for-profit and education) through a partnership network with a mission to build the leading education platform connecting Asia with the rest of the world. Tue, 06 Sep 2022 16:32:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Scholarships Archives - The Asia Institute 32 32 The Asia Institute Supports Texas State University’s Integrated Chinese Language Program for Second Summer Mon, 29 Aug 2022 22:02:43 +0000 From July 7-28, The Asia Institute organized and co-hosted an integrated language and culture program for Chinese-language learners at Texas State University. The course was divided into four areas – language, student engagement, historical site visits and culture/community – for a total of 13 sessions. Sessions were designed to compliment classroom learning through unique interactive… Read More »The Asia Institute Supports Texas State University’s Integrated Chinese Language Program for Second Summer   

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From July 7-28, The Asia Institute organized and co-hosted an integrated language and culture program for Chinese-language learners at Texas State University. The course was divided into four areas – language, student engagement, historical site visits and culture/community – for a total of 13 sessions. Sessions were designed to compliment classroom learning through unique interactive sessions on cultures and customs in China.

Students learned about Taiwan food culture during a virtual visit to Ximen Market in Taipei.

Interactive Site Visits in Taipei

During week one, students enjoyed a virtual tour of Ximen Market, one of the most well-known night markets in Taipei. During this sessions, students learned about Taiwan food culture and historical Japanese influence through the architecture and food stalls that get their flavor from Japan. During another session, students visited a Confucian temple that was built in the 19th century and learned about the origins of Confucianism.

During the second week, students learned about Dihua Street, one of Taipei’s oldest streets with sections in existence since the rule of Dutch Formosa from 1624 to 1661. Students learned about preservation and conservation efforts by the city to ensure future generations learn about Taipei’s unique history.

In the program’s final week, students visited the Chaing Kai Shek Memorial, and explored the unique architectural features that symbolism prosperity and good health in Chinese culture.

Language Exchange & Exchange with Indigenous Populations

To reinforce their classroom language learning, students were afforded the opportunity to develop authentic connections with their peers in Asia. During one module, students from Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China joined Texas State University students as virtual language partners. With topics that aligned with those the Texas students had been covering in class, the pairs conversed about such things as their families, traveling, the weather, and giving directions.

Also, students had the unique opportunity to learn about and engage with indigenous minority communities from Taiwan. In collaboration with ATAYAL, a global organization with a mission to preserve indigenous peoples’ language and culture, Texas State students took part in a language and culture exchange through multiple small-group sessions.

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The Asia Institute Hosts Global Business Case Competition in Partnership with XJTLU Tue, 16 Aug 2022 21:06:27 +0000 From July 11th through August 5th, over 60 university students from nine countries participated in a virtual business case competition co-hosted by The Asia Institute and the International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). During the program, students were divided into small teams and assigned to a company. Each company presented a… Read More »The Asia Institute Hosts Global Business Case Competition in Partnership with XJTLU

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From July 11th through August 5th, over 60 university students from nine countries participated in a virtual business case competition co-hosted by The Asia Institute and the International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). During the program, students were divided into small teams and assigned to a company. Each company presented a specific challenge they were faced with, and each team was tasked with designing a unique solution that addressed both business and sustainability needs. The final presentations were judged by international company representatives and international faculty, and awards were given to the top team for each of the business projects.

Student teams present solutions to environmental impact challenges related to coffee byproduct waste for Indonesia-based Rinjani Coffee Co.

The projects featured companies from Turkey and Indonesia and included challenges such as market entry and diversification, sustainable farming, and renewable energy. Students assigned to work with FERLED, a Turkish LED light manufacturer, researched the energy markets in Germany to devise a market entry strategy that emphasized the company’s sustainability goals. Students assigned to Duru Bulgar, a food manufacturer in Turkey, focused on an international marketing campaign to help global food consumers, especially those in Asia, become more familiar with the nutritional benefits, history and heritage of bulgur wheat. Finally, students working with Rinjani Mountain Coffee Company in Indonesia worked on the environmental impact challenges related to coffee byproduct waste and designed a new product to re-use the waste material to benefit the local economy.

Student teams devise a market entry strategy for Ferled Lighting that emphasized the company’s sustainability goals.

Students that participated in the competition hailed from universities across four continents (North America, Africa, Europe and Asia), thus adding to the international diversity of the program. Aside from the competition, students enjoyed participating in cross-cultural communication workshops and small group mentor sessions, and lectures from international marketing experts. In the end, the multi-week project provided a terrific opportunity for students to learn from one another and develop key skills such as flexibility and complex problem solving, that will serve them in the future careers. In a post-event survey, participants commented that the competition was challenging, valuable and enjoyable. The Asia Institute looks forward to hosting another global business case competition in the near future!

Aside from the competition, students enjoyed participating in cross-cultural communication workshops and small group mentor sessions, and lectures from international marketing experts.

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The Asia Institute Partners with CulturaGo to Provide Students with Unique Pre-Departure Resources Wed, 25 May 2022 16:40:01 +0000 The Asia Institute is excited to announce it has partnered with CulturaGo, an innovative cultural information platform designed to support students pre-departure. CulturaGo has built online modules to help introduce cultures/countries. The format is engaging and the information is relevant, interesting, and valuable. You may have seen education abroad professionals mentioning on LinkedIn that they… Read More »The Asia Institute Partners with CulturaGo to Provide Students with Unique Pre-Departure Resources

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The Asia Institute is excited to announce it has partnered with CulturaGo, an innovative cultural information platform designed to support students pre-departure. CulturaGo has built online modules to help introduce cultures/countries. The format is engaging and the information is relevant, interesting, and valuable. You may have seen education abroad professionals mentioning on LinkedIn that they are using CulturaGo this spring for their pre-departure orientations. The Asia Institute is able to share free logins with a limited number of instututional partners for use with/by students to access either the modules on Japan or South Korea.

Some ways that you could utilize these include sharing the logins with students preparing to go abroad to Japan or South Korea, sharing a login with a language faculty member and/or students studying the target languages or utilizing a login in your offices’ marketing and recruitment as a way to generate interest in Japan or South Korea. To view CulturaGo’s introduction video, click the link below.

If you and your students can benefit from these initial log ins at no cost, please contact Ann Hubbard at The Asia Institute

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The Asia Institute to Co-Host Virtual Business Project Competition this Summer! Tue, 10 May 2022 17:27:22 +0000 The Asia Institute is proud to announce a collaboration with Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) to host a four-week Virtual Business Project Competition from July 11th to August 5th. Student teams from around the globe will meet three times each week (often in the evenings to accommodate Asia-based scheduling) and participate in… Read More »The Asia Institute to Co-Host Virtual Business Project Competition this Summer!

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The Asia Institute is proud to announce a collaboration with Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) to host a four-week Virtual Business Project Competition from July 11th to August 5th. Student teams from around the globe will meet three times each week (often in the evenings to accommodate Asia-based scheduling) and participate in professional development workshops and mentorship meetings hosted by Xian-Jiaotong University and Asia Institute representatives. The final presentations will take place on August 5th.

During the XJTLU – International Business School Suzhou Virtual Business Project Competition students will engage in a unique opportunity to work on real challenges faced by organizations in Asia. Included in this experience, students will:

  • Work in diverse groups, collaborating on a projects focused on helping a business or organization to solve a current issue.
  • Understand a specific issue or situation for an Asian business/organization while researching possible solutions
  • Incorporate the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals into how the group’s proposal addresses solutions
  • Examine transferable (“soft”) skills from working in a diverse group and understand how to articulate them to potential employers

Interested students should fill out the application form by June 15th. Following the form submission, we will be in touch with additional information to confirm your participation in the competition. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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Immersive Learning Experiences in Asia: Project-Based Internships, at a Glance! Thu, 05 May 2022 20:52:36 +0000 For over a decade, The Asia Institute has designed unique educational opportunities by leveraging its comprehensive regional expertise and integrating our institutional partners’ ecosystems abroad. Since the start of the Pandemic and the rise of virtual learning programs, The Asia Institute has put an emphasis on Project-Based Learning (PBL), whereby students work in small teams… Read More »Immersive Learning Experiences in Asia: Project-Based Internships, at a Glance!

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For over a decade, The Asia Institute has designed unique educational opportunities by leveraging its comprehensive regional expertise and integrating our institutional partners’ ecosystems abroad.

Since the start of the Pandemic and the rise of virtual learning programs, The Asia Institute has put an emphasis on Project-Based Learning (PBL), whereby students work in small teams and collaborate with mission-driven NGOs and social enterprises, in real-time. The Asia Institute’s Social Impact Projects thus offer students an opportunity to design creative solutions to some of the world’s biggest challenges.

Below, we have highlighted several recent projects and initiatives that The Asia Institute and our University partners have been hard at work on. Projects involving sustainable development and eco-tourism in Thailand, Coral Reef Conservation in Vietnam, Sustainable Farming in Indonesia and Tourism Promotion in Japan have provided a unique platform for students to design solutions that make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

If you are interested in exploring collaboration with The Asia Institute through our Social Impact Projects platform, please reach out here!

Thailand | Sustainable Development & Eco-Tourism

In partnership with Thailand-based NGO OurLand, a wildlife sanctuary based in the Western Forest Complex,  student teams conducted research and provided recommendations to sustainably develop its land into an eco-tourist destination while ensuring human-wildlife coexistence. Read More.

Vietnam | Coral Reef Conservation

Coral reefs in Vietnam are under relentless stress from myriad global and local issues, including climate change, declining water quality, overfishing, pollution, and unsustainable coastal development. In partnership with a local company that develops coral reef growth kits, student groups are researching solutions that both benefit the local population economically and help to rebuild reefs that are facing a 98% rate of damage. Read More.

Indonesia | Sustainable Coffee Farming & Market Feasibility

In collaboration with a family-run coffee farm in a remote region of Lombok, Indonesia, student teams researched ways to re-use the farm’s coffee bean husks in a way that is both sustainable and profit-generating. The group also provided creative business solutions and recommendations including whether the company should export internationally, and working on a full market analysis of the company’s ideal customer, Read More.

Japan | Rural Tourism & Entrepreneurship Project

Students worked in groups to advise Forum Tauri Development Co., a Minami, Japan-based NGO to devise a strategy to keep young people from leaving Japan’s rural regions for the big cities, by encouraging entrepreneurship. Read More.

UCONN International Business Case Challenge (IBCC)

The Asia Institute served as a host partner in conjunction with the 2021 UCONN International Business Case Challenge (IBCC), an annual competition that brings teams of undergrads from around the world to compete virtually by solving real-life business issues. Read a Q&A with faculty advisor Arminda Kamphausen here and read a summary of the competition here.

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The Asia Institute Participates at Forum on Education Abroad, the First In-person Conference since 2019 Thu, 05 May 2022 20:00:04 +0000 The Asia Institute was proud to participate in the 18th Annual Forum on Education Abroad conference from March 21-25, the first opportunity in over two years for Education Abroad practitioners to gather for industry education and networking. We were glad to meet with so many friends and colleagues to discuss upcoming short-term programs in Asia.… Read More »The Asia Institute Participates at Forum on Education Abroad, the First In-person Conference since 2019

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The Asia Institute was proud to participate in the 18th Annual Forum on Education Abroad conference from March 21-25, the first opportunity in over two years for Education Abroad practitioners to gather for industry education and networking. We were glad to meet with so many friends and colleagues to discuss upcoming short-term programs in Asia. We look forward to seeing everyone again at NAFSA in May!

Ann Hubbard (Middle) joined by Lisa Loberg, Director of Study Abroad at Loyola Marymount University and Gary Rhodes, Professor & Director, Center for Global Education at California State University, Dominguez Hills.

The event featured 50+ sessions, two of which featured The Asia Institute’s academic lead Ann Hubbard. Ann presented on March 22nd on a panel titled “Project-Based Virtual Program Design: Challenges and Successes Across Time Zones” and on a March 25th panel titled, “From Student Learning to Student Action Abroad: An Active Response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” These panels highlight opportunities for the field of Education Abroad to encourage action-oriented learning as part of program design. Ann was joined on this panel by Lisa Loberg, Director of Study Abroad at Loyola Marymount University and Gary Rhodes, Professor & Director, Center for Global Education at California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Leaders from The Global Learning Collective meet at Forum from March 21-25. From left to right: Bradley A. Feuling (The Asia Institute) Barry Rawlings (EDU Africa), Uli Leibrecht (CEPA) and Daniel Amgarten (Campus B)


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The Asia Institute to Exhibit, Present at 18th Annual Forum on Education Abroad Fri, 11 Mar 2022 18:09:17 +0000 At the 18th Annual Forum on Education Abroad conference from March 21-25, international educators from around the globe will gather for 2 days of virtual programming and 3 days of on-site programming in Chicago, IL. The event will feature 50+ sessions and include a plethora of networking opportunities with colleagues. For a listing of The… Read More »The Asia Institute to Exhibit, Present at 18th Annual Forum on Education Abroad

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At the 18th Annual Forum on Education Abroad conference from March 21-25, international educators from around the globe will gather for 2 days of virtual programming and 3 days of on-site programming in Chicago, IL. The event will feature 50+ sessions and include a plethora of networking opportunities with colleagues. For a listing of

The Asia Institute Academic Lead Ann Hubbard will be presenting on the virtual panel “Project-Based Virtual Program Design: Challenges and Successes Across Time Zones” on Tuesday, March 22nd at 10:00 am CST. The session will examine best practices for the design and development of virtual project-based internship programs focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, Ann will be a panelist on the in-person session titled, “From Student Learning to Student Action Abroad: An Active Response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” on Friday, March 25th at 8:45 am CST. This panel will highlight opportunities for the field of Education Abroad to encourage action-oriented learning as part of program design to increase positive global impact in response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition, The Asia Institute will be exhibiting at the conference from March 23-25th alongside our colleagues at The Global Learning Collective. We look forward to sharing recent updates on short-term programs in Asia as well as project-based learning programs we are hosting with partners throughout the region. If you plan to be in Chicago, stop by booth 15!

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The Asia Institute & GLC Host Travel Updates Webinar Wed, 10 Nov 2021 20:17:39 +0000 On October 28th, The Asia Institute and our partners at the Global Learning Collective hosted a comprehensive webinar to update the international education community with the latest information on travel policies and their impact on study abroad programming in the year ahead. The Asia Institute’s Charman/CEO Bradley Feuling discussed the perspective from the ground in Asia, as we… Read More »The Asia Institute & GLC Host Travel Updates Webinar

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On October 28th, The Asia Institute and our partners at the Global Learning Collective hosted a comprehensive webinar to update the international education community with the latest information on travel policies and their impact on study abroad programming in the year ahead.

The Asia Institute’s Charman/CEO Bradley Feuling discussed the perspective from the ground in Asia, as we remain encouraged by recent news of quarantine-free travel and what it means for the resumption of faculty-led programming in 2022 and beyond. Key discussion points included how The Asia Institute is approaching travel on a country-by-country basis according to local policies and each institution’s unique requirements to keep students safe. To access the webinar materials, click below!

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The Asia Institute and International Educators of Illinois (IEI) Announce New Joint-Scholarship Program Tue, 31 Aug 2021 17:45:58 +0000 The Asia Institute and International Educators of Illinois (IEI), a state-level membership-based organization that promotes and supports the professional development of individuals in the field of international education, have announced a new joint-scholarship program to award funding to students seeking to participate in global learning experiences in Asia. “We are proud to partner with International… Read More »The Asia Institute and International Educators of Illinois (IEI) Announce New Joint-Scholarship Program

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The Asia Institute and International Educators of Illinois (IEI), a state-level membership-based organization that promotes and supports the professional development of individuals in the field of international education, have announced a new joint-scholarship program to award funding to students seeking to participate in global learning experiences in Asia.

“We are proud to partner with International Educators of Illinois to increase accessibility of study in Asia to students from across the State of Illinois, regardless of their academic study area or the campus they attend,” said Bradley A. Feuling, Chairman and CEO of The Asia Institute. “The Asia Institute’s joint-scholarship programs have awarded over $40,000 to students around the United States, whereby students are able to fulfill their study abroad dreams, and now access Asia both in-person or through virtual study experiences.”

“It’s an exciting opportunity for IEI to partner with The Asia Institute on this scholarship,” said Sara McGuinn, Chair of International Educators of Illinois. “The past year and a half have been difficult for international education as a field, so we are thrilled to encourage and support study abroad for students in Illinois in any way we can.”

Designed to increase the global awareness and competencies of students studying at universities and colleges in the State of Illinois, The Asia Institute-IEI Scholarship will award $2,000 in scholarship funding to students seeking to participate in global learning programs in 2022. Global learning experiences can be a short-term faculty-led program, semester or full-year study abroad program, international internship/research or a virtual learning program. All fields of study are encouraged to apply, and the program does not have to be hosted by The Asia Institute. The application deadline is March 15, 2022. For more information on eligibility and to apply, click here.

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Scholarship Spotlight: 2021 International Engineering Recipient Angela Kingsbury Tue, 13 Jul 2021 17:41:39 +0000 As part of its ongoing series of spotlighting former scholarship recipients, The Asia Institute recently caught up with 2021 International Engineering Scholarship recipient Angela Kingsbury. Angela is rising Senior at the University of Kentucky and just concluded a semester abroad studying Engineering and Business Intelligence at Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea. Why did you… Read More »Scholarship Spotlight: 2021 International Engineering Recipient Angela Kingsbury

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As part of its ongoing series of spotlighting former scholarship recipients, The Asia Institute recently caught up with 2021 International Engineering Scholarship recipient Angela Kingsbury. Angela is rising Senior at the University of Kentucky and just concluded a semester abroad studying Engineering and Business Intelligence at Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea.

Why did you choose to study in South Korea this past semester?

I was really excited when I learned of the opportunity to study abroad for a semester in South Korea and take business and engineering coursework. Prior to this past semester studying at Hanyang University, I had very little exposure to Asia. While I had studied abroad previously on a faculty-led program in Europe, I knew that studying in South Korea presented unique challenges such as the language, culture and business etiquette. My long-term goal is to work internationally, so having this opportunity to live and study in South Korea has been invaluable!

Could you describe what is what like to study in South Korea during the pandemic?

From a teaching and learning perspective, taking classes from local professors differed quite a bit. For example, their teaching style were more lecture and discussion-based with less focus on the actual textbook material. The one positive is that we were assigned to a local student through a “buddy”program, so I had the chance to learn what it’s like being a full-time student at Hanyang University and have a resource to ask questions and just practice my beginner language skills!

One of the program highlights for me was living in a dorm with 50+ other international students from around the world. It was especially gratifying to make many new friends hailing from countries across Europe, Latin America and other parts of Asia. Since each dorm unit was equipped with a kitchenette, we held regular group dinners in the dorm to celebrate our respective cultures by preparing “local” meals for the group!

What were your favorite excursions as part of the program?

I really enjoyed learning about Korean history and culture during my studies and visiting important sites that are relevant to the Korean people. We visited the National Museum of Korea, which was full of amazing artifacts. We also had a chance to visit the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) which is the demarcation line between North Korea and South Korea. Visiting the DMZ really put into perspective the vast differences between the peoples of North and South Korea. On a lighter side, I also enjoyed traveling to the city of Busan as well as the Sokcho Beach located in Northeast corner of the country. There, we enjoyed water sports surfing and just relaxing by the ocean!

What advise would you give to students considering studying abroad in Asia?

Studying in South Korea offers an unparalleled experience to learn about the history, culture and business norms of a country that is very different from the one I grew up with in America and has been a fantastic learning experience! I would encourage other students to consider studying in Asia as the experience for many reasons, not the least of which include the food, culture and the warm people! This program has provided me with greater appreciation for how integrated the world really is and how Asia plays a vital role in the global economy. While it definitely does take some adjustments to living in South Korea if you are unfamiliar with the food and culture, my advice would be to do as much research up front and approach the experience with an open mind and an open heart!

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