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Fall 2021 Virtual Social Impact Projects in Asia

The Asia Institute is now accepting applications for our 8-week Fall 2021 Social Impact Projects Program. Over the course of the 8-week experience, students work in small teams to design solutions with and for an Asia-based non-profit organization that addresses some of the world’s most important challenges.

The Social Impact Projects Program is structured as a team-based consulting project. Small groups of 4-7 students from different universities and backgrounds will be assigned to a team, to develop solutions related to a core problem and deliverable that corresponds to designated UN SDG(s). The consulting teams will work with actual organizations, providing access to global professional networks and provide an experience that can be highlighted on student resumes and in interviews. The program syllabus is available upon request. Students should expect to dedicate 8-10 hours per week to this program.

We welcome you to share this program information with students and relevant departments at your institution and look forward to speaking with those that are interested.

  • Application Deadline
    July 23, 2021
  • Orientation Immersion Week
    Monday, September 27 – Friday, October 1
  • Project Work, Cross-Regional Collaborations, & Cultural Activities
    Monday, October 4 – Friday, November 5
  • Final Project Preparation & Presentations
    Monday, November 8- Friday, November 12
  • Debriefing & Wrap-Up
    Monday, November 15 – Friday, November 19
  • Program Fee
    The program fee is $1,365. There is a $200 deposit required to confirm participation (which will be applied to the program fee)
  • Students Application Form
  • Faculty Request for Proposal Form 
  • *The program syllabus is available upon request. Students should expect to dedicate 8-10 hours per week to this program.


Leveraging our unique regional network, The Asia Institute partners with a diverse range of non-governmental (NGOs) and non-profit organizations to curate team-based projects that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). We partner with community-based organizations across East and Southeast Asia that address a broad range of local issues including environmental remediation, poverty alleviation,  societal and gender equity, and more!

NGO: Habitat for Humanity International

Students will develop recommendations for Philippine-based construction companies to promote and develop sustainable practices throughout their value chains. The results of the project will be used by Habitat for Humanity International to launch and implement business models that help low-income communities improve their housing conditions through better access to information, skills, materials, and financing.

SDGs Addressed:

  • #3: Good Health and Well-Being
  • #9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • #11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • #12 – Responsible Consumption and Production


NGO: Cambodia Rural Student Trust

Students work with Cambodia Rural Student Trust on its flagship Project G: Empowering Girls program to bring women’s health education and sustainable feminine hy-giene solutions to girls in rural Cambodia. Students work in small teams to design and imple-ment content delivery strategies to rural communities.

SDGs Addressed:

  • #4 – Quality Education
  • #5 – Gender Equality
  • #8 – Decent work and Economic Growth
  • #10 – Reduced Inequalities


NGO: Habitat for Humanity International

Students will develop recommendations for Philippine-based construction companies to promote and develop sustainable practices throughout their value chains. The results of the project will be used by Habitat for Humanity International to launch and implement business mod-els that help low-income communities improve their housing conditions through better access to information, skills, materials, and financing.

SDGs Addressed:

  • #8 – Decent work and Economic Growth
  • #9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • #11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • #12 – Responsible Consumption and Production