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The Asia Institute Hosts Webinar on UN Sustainability Development Goals in Asia

On September 21, The Asia Institute hosted a virtual presentation titled “Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals: NGO and Community Engagement in Asia”. The expert panel, consisting of practitioners working for multinational and local non-governmental organizations, discussed ways in which their organizations engage with local communities and disadvantaged groups to build a more sustainable and equitable future.

This panel is in conjunction with the Global Learning Collective’s Virtual Familiarization Week which includes a series of interactive discussions designed to introduce international educators to sustainability initiatives in each of the Collective’s global regions. Other session topics include Environmental Justice in Africa (EDU Africa), Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Europe (CEPA) and Green Energy Solutions in South America (Campus B).

Below is a listing of each panelist and a short description of their organization and its mission. The session recording is available upon request by emailing

Cambodia Rural Student Trust is an NGO founded in 2011 by several Australian whose lives were changed by volunteering at a rural school and orphanage in Cambodia. The organization enables them to provide the most assistance possible to the needy, as well as be fully accountable and transparent with where their funds are going. Today their projects include students in Primary School, High School and University, daily volunteering and community school, and a vocational training center to name just a few.

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. They believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities.

Sangob Foundation is focused on preserving local traditions through education. Their programs include The Karen Way of Life, Community Service, Outreach Project & Thai Box. Their projects are educational and contribute to perpetuating endangered customs such as Traditional agricultural practices, Ethnic music and dance, weaving, spiritual ceremonies, natural healing, natural building. They also aim at supporting local farmers, artists, craftsmen, teachers, students, and disadvantaged children through its projects, while connecting them to the broader community.