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The Asia Institute to Participate in GLC Virtual Study Abroad Fair on September 21

Since the onset of Covid-19 and the “grounding” of education abroad programming in 2020, The Asia Institute has been hard at work developing virtual study abroad curriculum to meet the needs of its institutional partners. The Asia Institute is looking forward to showcasing its new programming during the Global Learning Collective’s Virtual Familiarization Week: A sustainable future for all. Learn about sustainability initiatives in each of the Collective’s global regions as we work together to build a more sustainable future for the field of international education.

The Asia Institute’s presentation on Monday, September 21st from 8-9 pm EDT is titled “Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals: NGO and Community Engagement in Asia.” Panelists from Habitat for Humanity JapanSangob Foundation (Thailand), and Cambodia Rural Students Trust will discuss how their organizations engage with local communities, schools, farmers, students, disadvantaged groups, and more, to build a more sustainable future by fostering connection among broad communities.

The panel is free to register and designed for international educators (university staff and faculty) regardless of background in the topic area.  Due to a participant limit of 100 attendees, we encourage you to register early. Register Now!

To read more about the Global Learning Collective’s Virtual Familiarization Week, click here.