Social Impact Projects

Social Impact Project Image

The Asia Institute has designed team-oriented project based internships in Asia with leading organizations that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Over the course of an 8-week project, students will engage with a diversity of peers to develop their intercultural and critical-thinking competencies while addressing some of the world’s most important challenges.

Learn About UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

Fall 2021 Program Timeline


global cooperation

Social Impact Project Structure

The Social Impact program is structured as a series of team-based consulting projects, each working with a specific organization in Asia. Small groups of 4-7 students from different universities and backgrounds will be assigned to a project, to develop solutions related to a core problem and program deliverable that corresponds to the designated SDG(s). The consulting teams will work with actual organizations, providing access to global professional networks and provide an experience that can be highlighted on student resumes and in interviews.

During the project-based experience, students will meet weekly with the partner organization, attend sessions with a team mentor for feedback and support, and participate in a variety of cultural activities. Participants should expect to dedicate approximately 16 hours/week to internship and project-related activities. Students from all majors and academic backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Social Impact Project Placement Procedures

Example Projects

Environmental Impact with OurLand Conservatory

Project Overview

During this project, students work with OurLand Conversation’s leadership team to achieve its goal of expanding natural spaces for wild flora and fauna in Thailand. Small teams will work collaboratively with local conservationist and community groups to help launch new sustainable initiatives and development plans, including attracting investment to nurture nature land plots.

Sustainable Development Goals Addressed


Clean Water and Sanitation


Responsible Consumption and Production


Climate Action


Life on Land


Partnerships for the Goals

Gender Equality & Women’s Health Education

Project Overview

During this project, students work with Cambodia Rural Student Trust on its flagship Project G: Empowering Girls program to bring women’s health education and sustainable feminine hy-giene solutions to girls in rural Cambodia. Students work in small teams to design and imple-ment content delivery strategies to rural communities.

Sustainable Development Goals Addressed


No Poverty


Good Health and Well-Being


Quality Education


Gender Equality


Decent work and Economic Growth


Reduced Inequalities

Partnerships for the Goals

Sustainable Development with Habitat for Humanity International

Project Overview

Students will develop recommendations for Philippine-based construction companies to promote and develop sustainable practices throughout their value chains. The results of the project will be used by Habitat for Humanity International to launch and implement business mod-els that help low-income communities improve their housing conditions through better access to information, skills, materials, and financing.

Sustainable Development Goals Addressed


Good Health and Well-Being


Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


Sustainable Cities and Communities


Responsible Consumption and Production


Climate Action


Partnerships for the Goals

Application Portal